Career Opportunities

  1. The eligible candidates possessing the required education, professional skills, and demonstrated experience in Academics, Social and Community engagements should send applications via email as explained below.
  2. Eligibility and preference: Applications shall be assessed/ranked according to criteria established by HEC / Pakistan Nursing Council [PNC] and FHES, available at the website.
  3. Self-proposal & nomination: One can submit a self-proposal or nominate someone else for any position other than mentioned here which may be separately evaluated based on the assessment criteria for the proposed regular/contractual job or short-term assignments.
  4. Those whose PhD is nearing completion, are also encouraged to apply.
  5. Submission
    • Application not in prescribed format, or incomplete, or not received on or before the due date, shall not be considered.
    • Last date to apply: July 18, 2023
    • HR Manger FiU Project/ FHES:
    • 173,Britto Road, Jamshed Quarters, Near Numaish, Karachi Pakistan
    • Website:
    • Email to Phone FHES: 021-32256361 Fatimiyah Hospital: 0314-2315822
  6. The Application Form can be downloaded from Fatimiyah Higher Education System [FHES] website: and CV/Testimonial and supporting documents may be attached with email or may be uploaded on the same website.
  7. Foreign degree holder may be asked to provide HEC equivalence certificate.
  8. If a candidate intends to apply for more than one position, s/he should indicate options, in order of priority, on the same application. However, the first position shall be evaluated for merit determination. Other positions may be considered for the positions/assignments only on requirement basis.
  9. Employees of Government/Semi-Government organizations should apply through proper channel or send advance copy of the application for conditional consideration.
  10. The attractive pay and packages commensurate with qualifications, skills-set and experience will be offered by the University based.
  11. The University reserves the rights to increase/decrease the number of posts, not fill any post, withhold the appointment against any advertised post or accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason.
  12. The University can communicate through any media [postal, telephone, email, WhatsApp etc.] mentioned in the Application Form. However, the University shall not be responsible if call letters are delayed or not received due to any lapse of Courier Service/Post Office/email/Telephone Message.
  13. Only short listed candidates will be called for physical/online interview and No TA/DA will be paid for the interviews.
  14. Interview for Senior Executive Positions shall be held by the Search Committee in the last week of July 2023.
  15. In case any information provided by the candidate in his/her application form is found to be incorrect or false at any stage, he/she will be disqualified and action will be taken under the Rules.
  16. Applications for relaxation in age or any other condition may be considered according to the University policy/rules.
  17. The University reserves the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason, or cancel the part or whole process of recruitment, for positions advertised, at any stage. Decision of the University shall remain binding in all cases.
  18. Preference may be given to candidates based on the assessment criteria, additional professional qualification, relevant skills-set, holistic education, relevant professional/management skills, and demonstrated experience of Social/ Community engagements.
  19. The Search Committee is authorized to consider the applicants for any mutually agreeable short-term position or decide about such case as per University requirements.
  20. Deadline: July 18, 2023